Sunday, 11 September 2011

The SAPI Information System

1. Discuss the Information Systems Development Plan- Purpose, Scope and Objectives. Give your opinion and reflections.
            The information system has only one main purpose, to manage the organization flawlessly. Thus, it follows that the system must also gain the ability to record and summarize data of the different departments in the organization, relating one record to the other to complete a report. It also limits the stocks, to avoid over and under of stocks. It also allows the purchasing department to market to its full extent, without worrying if they still have enough to accommodate different numbers of request.

            Each department also is required to fill the data needed so the system can function thoroughly, without the accompaniment of one department the system cannot finish its job. The IS also checks the work of each department, to maintain the balance between different department. It is also necessary that each department understand the flow of the system, with regards to this the latter must have the simple knowledge of the basics of the information systems to avoid ignorance towards the system, because the result of this is that the system will not be use.   

            The system though cannot control the user wither they input the necessary data or not, or even the usage of the system. The system will also be the one to blame if the organization works slowly, because of the reasons that the IS doesn’t have the complete data of each department which each department should have inputted. This is just the issues regarding if the people using the system has no idea of the importance of the system for the new way of managing the organization. 

The objective of the Information System which is the SAPI in company Y, it includes the assurance of giving benefits to both the company and the people that has made up the organization. In terms of the benefits on the company, the objective of the Information System is to lend a company not just an appropriate solution for their daily transaction but also a solution that has longer life span and that can even be permanent. It will then only mater in the maintenance of the systems. In terms of the people that has made up the organization, the objective of the IS towards them is to build a user-friendly program as much as possible. A type of program that will assure the company that their workers would directly prefer using the Information System program whether it is on accounting department, warehouse management or any other operations that the organization is working on than to use the past manual transactions that not will only takes a lot of time but also result in less percentage of assurance in the accuracy. Its objective will definitely lead the Company Y to a success in their organic chemical industry for it will give the company what they all need.

2. The Relationship of the Information System and the Organization

            The relationship of Information System in an Organization is very crucial in every business transactions. It enables a business organization to store records in their daily operations and retrieve it any time the organization wants it or need it. An organization can even update their different types of data that is stored in its database and segregate it for better understanding and much precise information on what a certain member of the organization is trying to access. Without an Information System in an organization like in company Y, it is very difficult to satisfy the growing demands of its customers or consumers for manual solutions do not really solve the huge need in fast and reliable operations.

            The Information System or IS plays a very big role in the organization of company Y which deals with a very complicated job where their organic chemical manufacturing business is awesomely vast and because of the vastness of the company’s records in their different business transactions, the company Y was able to come up with an Information System as the solution of their problems. The capabilities and amazing features of the Information system used in company Y makes the organization and its Information System built a useful relation in terms of storage, retrieval, accuracy and others.  It greatly affected the rules and day to day transactions of a huge organic chemical organization in terms of keeping records and accounting issues. Though one problem is being discussed between the American Parent Company and Company Y in what will be the best kind of Information System to use in the organization, what is important is that whatever Information System that the majority will choose, an Information System will always be useful in the business that the company Y is running. It will only depend on the compatibility or the appropriateness of the Information System in the overall operations done in company Y. In some cases, even though an Information System has all the features needed in the organization for its day to day operations, the relationship towards user to use the program will also greatly affect the outcome of the thought solution of the organization. The organization must find a way that the program installed in the Information System is user-friendly as much possible to establish a good interaction and a good output.

            All in all, the relationship must be good between the information system and the organization of the company Y. All users or all the workers in the organization that will be included in the scope of the usage by the Information System in company Y must establish the preference of using the Information System features and programs rather than doing the past operations which would not only takes time but also disengage the goal of Information System that is specially built for the organization of that in company Y. After all, the things that are needed to be done are for the future success of the organization of company Y.

3. Describe the impact of the IS and give your own reflections.

  IS has a great impact to the company because it gives a great help for making the progress of the company more efficient and effective, it helps lessen problems because it contributes a lot for the company especially in the database problem. At first we don’t use the same database and we have a lot of different information that is being use, every time you ask  the same question to different persons you will get different types of answer, that’s one of our biggest problem but with the help of an IS, our job is more efficient and more productive in a sense that we can work fluently with the same information being use that enables our data the same. It also helps the work more easier because with an IS in the company it helps us to manufacture things that we only needed that it helps us plan how to use our materials in manufacturing because at first we don’t know what to do to the resources that we have that is not being use. An IS also ensures that it’s going to reduce our inventory in the company, IS also helps utilizes all our workers so the production will be much better.

            In my reflection as a production manager, the use of an IS in the company is a very relieving idea because it helps my job much easier and every time I’m going to check how does the company as well as the production is doing, it not hard for me anymore, the showing of information is more fluent and accurate and when I’m going to report to the supervisor or the people above him, I already have a sure answer for the things they’re going to ask me. And with all this benefits everyone can say that this company is going to be productive and successful.

4. Elaborate all the negative impact of the IS in the organization and give your justification.
As the operations manager, all the complains and issues regarding the IS are reported to me, either directly from each director and managers of each department. So far the IS in general both benefited the purchasing department and warehouse department, but not so far the production department that seem to be most affected by the new method of management. They ought not to understand the concept behind the IS, and the conditions that should be met for the system to function correctly. It is crucial for each department to know the IS functionality, and adapt to the new generation.

            The ignorance about the system and insecurity to its credibility made the organization topsy-turvy. To solve these problems, a seminar, orientation or even a workshop must be implemented; explanations and demonstrations will follow so that the organization will understand the interrelatedness and interdependence of the system to each department.

             This minor setback had also affected the rest of the department. Without the complete participation of the production department the senior warehouse and purchasing department will find it difficult to update their own stock. For instance, the warehouse department cannot properly manage the stocks if the production department did not update their production. So as a result the warehouse department stated that the system's functionality is slow, though it finishes the job somehow. When this happens the purchasing department will have to market either too many or too little products, even worse they wouldn't have any to market at all.

            The system also created a competition for the MIS department, where the MIS department thought that they can create a better, faster and more suitable system for their taste. Though this is just their comment they haven't done anything in any sort or created a design for this so called system of theirs. They criticize the system and made it look bad, but even if they did that if they won’t do anything to improve the system nothing will happen and their criticism will remain as a criticism.

5. Give your reflections on the ethical issues relating to the given IS planning and implementation.

They wanted to become more efficient and more effective in the future, that's why the planning of the IS created. This system believed as accurate information in giving what the company needs, and that seemed to fulfill number of problems that the company was grappling with. The World-wide evaluation of software on IBM equipment, the system 34/36/38 environment concluded that the MAPICS II was the best. And the parent company wants the MAPICS II to be used. But because MAPICS II is for pharmaceutical, the Company Y chooses the SAPI, but because of the packages was not applicable, MIS was created and changes the source code for the packages just to be useful for them. Then the company y and the parent company bang head.
The implementation gives big changes and difficulties. They take time analyzing the system. When the system was introduced, the role of the warehouse fundamentally changed. Instead of the warehouse department being the servant of production it’s almost the other way around. As warehouse department, they’re dependent upon plants keeping their stocks right to do correct transactions, these result to have conflict with the production department. They finding faults with each other .But because of the MIS the problem were resolved and the bankruptcy was hindered.

Sunday, 3 July 2011


 Nanotechnology. . .I have already encountered this term, but i didn't bother search for it's meaning.Now,Nanotech has a  big potential to change our standard way of living, but, is that a good news or bad?
   Does Nanotechnology make our world change in a way that we, human will benefit or suffer?

What is Nanotechnology?

A basic definition: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced.
In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.
In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.

Who discovered Nanotechnology?

 In 1953, the discovery of DNA,
 the biochemical blueprint for life,
 spawned many notions and techniques
 of modern nano self-assembly.
 Man-made genetic codes and
 applications underlie many
 public policy concerns like genetic
 engineering and its evil step sister,
 bioterrorism. In a 1959 lecture,
 Nobel physicist Richard Feynman
 suggested that one might manipulate
 matter at the atomic scale,
assembling "nanomachines" bydirect manipulation of atoms.Von Neumann envisioned self-replicating machines, prompting Eric Drexler,of the Foresight Institute, to linkthe DNA blueprint concept with the nanomachine concept, yielding fantastic sci-fi-like predictionslike grey goo, an imagined man-made or accidental life-like self-replicating nanoorganism that devours the world as it uses almost anything to makemore of itself.

How Nanotechnology affects us?

Nanotechnology has many applications and positively provide beneficial impact in a vast number of people throughout th world.But negatively, it has implications too.Get real,all technology created has implications too,maybe few of them have none but Nanotechnology but we can face risks like Economic disruption,Environmental damage,unstable arms races,war,terrorosm,universal surveillance,no privacy,world ditatorship,intellectual property violation  and many more. The main issues include privacy, social divide, communication, and risk. 


Ambient sensor systems can provide useful information such as pollution levels, traffic conditions and transmit this rapidly to portable devices, but they can also transmit information about individuals’ activities. As such the potential for abuse is present and the limits on the type of information that can be captured and collated need to be clearly defined by society in general through the legislative system. Privacy issues may also arise through advances in medical diagnostics allowing doctors to routinely screen people for the presence of genetic disease. Should such technology be made compulsory to allow earlier treatment? If so, then what about a patient’s right to choose? If not, then will health insurance companies demand it as a prerequisite? Who will have access to all this information and how will it be kept protected?

Social divide

As with previous technologies such as IT, nanotechnology could have the effect of widening the divide between the rich and the poor, or more specifically the developed and developing world. Primarily this can be through advances in healthcare, transport, energy supplies, etc which may be more available to the wealthy. However, paradoxically it may also come about through a decreased use of natural resources. Many of the precious metals and minerals that new nanomaterials are expected to replace, and thereby reduce our dependency on non-renewables, are mined in the developing world. The loss of this revenue without a strategy for its replacement, will have a negative impact on the economy and development of these countries. To address these potential impacts, nanotechnology strategies are being exploited in different countries that specifically address that country’s needs.


Acceptance of new developments and in particular the wide-ranging effects of nanotechnology, can only be achieved through communication and dialogue between scientists, industrialists, goverments and wider society. All too often in the past this has been ignored and resulted in misinformation and misunderstanding of the risks and benefits associated with the new development. This has been recognised by governments, research funding agencies and industry, and many now have initiatives that actively explore dialogue with social scientists and interested citizens, allowing the implications of new developments to be explained, concerns explored and opinions of different members of society incorporated into future planning.


Nanomaterials are being developed because they offer advantages to conventional materials. However, we still know little of the different effects they may have on human health and the environment compared with conventional materials. Several initiatives have been established by non-governmental organizations to consolidate existing published data, however to date there has been little concerted effort by governments. This is starting to change as independent experts advising government policy recommend that fundamental research into these potential risks be increased.  

"Let's use technology WISELY"


Sunday, 26 June 2011

who am I?

Dear Bloggers,
           Information Technology . . .
                  what comes to your my mind when you hear Information technology?
                  oh,by the way ,I supposed to introduce myself . .but Information Technology is a part of me. . . 
          I am a 3rd year student in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology of Central Mindanao University. I am not good in my course,really :/ ,but i'm really trying ,trying hard.I never planned to be in this course,and I had really know nothing about IT.But, here we are ,trying to SURVIVE . .and I hope we survive! [hehe].
          I am no good of anything. For short, dili gifted [haha]. But,I want to discover something in myself and that only myself can. Sometimes I'm just so hopeless (it's like a flash drive na ang sulod puro corrupt file [hahaha])--->(so nonsense,wala naisip ko lng bag.o lng).
          My dream is to graduate :'( . And to travel around Earth :) . To build a house for my mother :D . And  to give myself a beak :P. [eh?what's that?]
          this is me and . . . . . . . . 
                                                                                    I am Carolyn    S M I L E :)